TDN in Unzen
火山がもたらす大いなる恵みとダイナミックな自然を堪能する「ツール・ド・ニッポン雲仙」の自転車旅。1 日目は、日本古来の野菜の種を守り、育て、次の世代へと繋いでいる伝統野菜を育てる農家の皆さんの畑へサイクリング。肥沃な大地で育った雲仙野菜の収穫を体験したら、夜は名物女将が切り盛りする旅館で、収穫した野菜を使ったスペシャルディナーを。生産者の皆さんと一緒に、雲仙の恵みを存分に味わいます。2日目は、雄大な普賢岳を眺めながら、歴史ある神社や手仕事の工房に立ち寄り、伝統的な町並みが残る神代小路(こうじろくうじ)を散策。有明海の潮風を感じながら、山の幸と海の幸、人々の暮らしに出会う旅に出かけましょう。
We have started accepting applications for the Tour de Nippon, which will take participants on a tour of Unzen in Nagasaki prefecture, which is known as Unzen National Park, established in 1934 is Japan’s first designated national park.
On the first day, we will cycle to the fields of farmers who grow traditional vegetables, protecting and nurturing the seeds of ancient Japanese vegetables and passing them on to the next generation. After experiencing the harvest of Unzen vegetables grown in the fertile land, let’s have a special dinner using the harvested vegetables at a ryokan (Japanese inn).
On the second day, while gazing at the majestic Mt. Fugendake, stop by a historic shrine and a handicraft workshop, and take a stroll along Koujirokuji, a traditional townscape. Feel the sea breeze from the Ariake Sea as you embark on a journey to discover the delicacies of the mountains and the sea and the lives of the people.