Papersky #31 Denmark

The Fresh Issue

FRESH as in REDESIGN! Now that we have been around the world, we’re ready to change the way we look at the world by celebrating the idea originally proposed by the renowned engineer, philosopher and artist Buckminster Fuller. That is, The One – Town World. We’ve started using Fuller Dymaxion map on the cover as well as table of contents (Photo #2) to express this shared vision. Fuller’s map is the only map that doesn’t cut any countries- it shows the world as one, it shows all the world’s oceans as one and does so on a scale more accurately than any other existing map. And if you cut the map and paste it together carefully, you get a miniature globe- amazing! In this issue we fly over to Denmark for possibly the best cycle trip ever. We explored Copenhagen and the surrounding areas with seven original bike trips as well as take an in depth look at the fleeting though still nostalgic, culture of Sento (Japanese public bath) here at home in Japan. There’s also a trip to China and Mongolia looking at Timberland’s ambitious project of teaming up with a Japanese NGO to plant one million trees in the desert. Plus a look at Mexican art as well as an interview with skateboard legend and musician Tommy Guerrero in addition to our regular columns.